FAQs TrackTutoring image
How do we know the tutor you’re paired with can help you?
By giving a brief description the content you need help learning or studying, any tutor that you are linked with will have already seen what you need, and confirmed that they can help!
How do I pay for my sessions?
Before you get started on Track, stock your Minute balance. This way, you don’t pay for any more than you need- instead, sign up for a session with the exact amount of time you want, you can always add a few more!
Are the tutors legit?
Yes! As the creators of TrackT, we make sure to personally verify anyone who joins our platform. Whats more, these tutors are all in undergrad or graduate school, so they remember what it was like when they were your age! And of course, they know how best to help.
How old do I have to be to join Track Tutoring?
Students must be 13-17 years old. Tutors must be 18+ years old
Do I have to plan in advance?
Nope! Sign on whenever you want, tell us what you need help with and pick from a list of tutors ready to help!
What if no one I want is available?
If a tutor is finishing up a session, you’ll see a timer next to their profile on your list, so give them a minute and join as soon as possible.
Who runs Track Tutoring?
Our team is made up of kids and teens like you, along with a group of advisors and parents. We are in it with you, we’ve gone through studying for tests, quizzes and everything else and we are so excited to help.
What do I do if signal cuts during the meeting?
If you cannot connect with your tutor, please exit the session and click the help button - we will make sure you don’t get charged for services you did not recieve.
Why is instant tutoring better?
As students, we are often confused about one specific problem or idea. For these types of problems, we don’t need an entire hour (or more!) for someone to explain these concepts to us. Instead, instant tutoring allows you to get a quick, easy, and efficient answer to your problem!
What kind of device do I need?
You can join track tutoring on any device! As a website, we can be accessed on an iPhone, iPad, computer, etc.
Where do I need to be to tutor/join a session?
You can be anywhere to join TrackTutoring as long as you are connected to the internet! Our network of students and tutors ranges across the United States.
Do I need to prepare in advance?
No preparation is required for a TrackTutoring session! Just hop on the website, and you’ll be connected with a tutor that will help you solve your problem instantly!
How long can my session be?
Your session can range from 5 to 60 minutes. Just tell us however long you need, and never pay for time you’re not using!
What happens if I discover that I need more time with a tutor during a session?
Our website is designed so that you never feel rushed during the session. If you ever feel like you need more time, you can extend the session by however many extra minutes you need !